persons Engelmann, Guido

General Info | TEI

Name Engelmann, Guido
Alternative Names
  • fictional character: Wallenstein
  • ID 376
    Gender male
    Lifespan 1876-06-05 - 1959
    Professions orthopedic surgeon (Q16030727)
  • Default import collection
  • Transatlantic Networks
  • webclient
  • Uri(s)
    Notes Guido Engelmann, born on 5 June 1876, in Olmütz, had received his Dr. med. degree in July 1899. He had been a demonstrator of Prof. Zuckerkandl’s and later an assistant (physician) to Prof. Julius Tandler, the prominent anatomist and reformer in the field of Viennese medicine. Apparently decorated for service in World War I (Goldenes Verdienstkreuz mit der Krone am Band und Ehrenzeichen zweiter Klasse vom Roten Kreuz mit Kriegsdekoration) Engelmann got his habilitation in orthopedic surgery, but may have had to retire prematurely as a result of the severe financial problems affecting Austria in the early 1930s. His Jewish background may indeed have been a factor in his inclusion in the list of early retirees as the Institute. (Zacharasiewicz, Transatlantic Networks, p.138).



    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    related >> collaborated with Zuckerkandl, Viktor
    related >> employed by Tandler, Julius
    1930 1933 related >> landlady/landlord of Gunther, John
    1930 1933 related >> landlady/landlord of Gunther, Frances


    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    1916 1938 owner of Dollinergasse 5, 1190 Vienna
    1876-06-05 born in Olomouc
    1959 died in Los Angeles, CA
    1902 stayed in for work Rathausstraße 7, 1010 Vienna


    Start End Other relation type Related Work
    related >> appears/appeared in >> as fictionalized character The Lost City


    Label Start End Label type ISO Code
    Wallenstein fictional character deu


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