persons Dimock, Susan

General Info | TEI

Name Dimock, Susan
Alternative Names
ID 3188
Gender female
Lifespan 1847-04-24 - 1875-05-07
Professions physician
  • manually created entity
  • Narratives of Encounters in the North Atlantic Triangle
  • Uri(s)
    Notes Dimock's great work as a physician impressed even the greatest sceptics in Europe of women's ability to practice medicine.
    References Birkle, Carmen. „Capitals of Medicine: North American Medical Women and Their Encounters with Europe (1850s-1930s).“ Narratives of Encounter. Vienna: Verlag der ÖAW, 2015, 85-105.



    Start End Other relation type Related Institution
    1868-10 1871 studied medicine at Universität Zürich
    worked for/at New England Hospital for Women and Children
    1871-09 worked for/at Vienna General Hospital


    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    related >> friendship with Forel, Auguste
    related >> friendship with Hoestermann, Carl
    related >> helped >> financially supported Sewall, Lucy
    related >> helped >> financially supported Zakrzewska, Marie E.
    related >> friendship with >> close friendship with Heim-Vögtlin, Marie


    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    1847-04-24 related >> born in Washington, North Carolina
    1871-09 related >> stayed in >> stayed in for medical education Vienna
    related >> stayed in >> stayed in for medical education Paris


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