persons Davies, Joseph Edward

General Info | TEI

Name Davies, Joseph Edward
Alternative Names
ID 3178
Gender male
Lifespan 1876 - 1956
Professions ambassador, lawyer
  • manually created entity
  • Uri(s)



    Start End Other relation type Related Event
    related >> participated in >> attended Paris Peace Conference
    related >> participated in >> was guest at 20th anniversary celebration of the October Revolution
    related >> participated in >> attended Potsdam Conference
    related >> witnessed Radek Trial
    1938-03-04 1938-03-12 related >> witnessed Bukharin Trial


    Start End Other relation type Related Institution
    1898 1901 related >> studied at University of Wisconsin-Madison
    1937 related >> studied at >> graduated from Presbyterian College, South Carolina
    related >> was member of Democratic Party (USA)
    1936-11-16 1938-06-11 related >> was head of Embassy of the United States in Moscow
    1915 1916 related >> was chair at Federal Trade Commission
    1938 1939 related >> was head of Embassy of the United States in Brussels
    1942 related >> was chair at War Relief Control Board


    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    1943-05 related >> acquainted with >> had contacts with >> had a meeting with Stalin, Josif Vissarionovič
    1937-09 related >> acquainted with >> had contacts with >> had a meeting with Horthy, Miklós
    related >> friendship with >> close friendship with Montgomery, John Flournoy
    1937 1939 related >> acquainted with >> correspondence with >> had intensive personal correspondence with Montgomery, John Flournoy


    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    1876 born in Watertown, Wis.
    1936 1938 stayed in for work Moscow
    1937-02-26 visited Ukraine
    1937-09 visited Budapest
    1943-05 stayed in for work Moscow
    1945-05 stayed in for work Potsdam


    Start End Other relation type Related Work
    1941 related >> wrote >> author of Mission to Moscow


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