persons Davies, Joseph Edward

General Info | TEI

Name Davies, Joseph Edward
Alternative Names
ID 3178
Gender male
Lifespan 1876 - 1956
Professions ambassador, lawyer
  • manually created entity
  • Uri(s)



    Start End Other relation type Related Event
    related >> participated in >> attended Paris Peace Conference
    related >> participated in >> was guest at 20th anniversary celebration of the October Revolution
    related >> participated in >> attended Potsdam Conference
    related >> witnessed Radek Trial
    1938-03-04 1938-03-12 related >> witnessed Bukharin Trial


    Start End Other relation type Related Institution
    1898 1901 studied at University of Wisconsin-Madison
    1915 1916 was chair at Federal Trade Commission
    1936-11-16 1938-06-11 was head of Embassy of the United States in Moscow
    1937 graduated from Presbyterian College, South Carolina
    1938 1939 was head of Embassy of the United States in Brussels
    1942 was chair at War Relief Control Board
    was member of Democratic Party (USA)


    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    1912 related >> admirer of >> supporter of Wilson, Woodrow
    related >> collaborated with Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
    related >> advisor of Hull, Cordell
    1945 related >> advisor of Truman, Harry
    1935 1955 related >> in a relationship with >> married to Post, Marjorie Merriweather
    1937 related >> acquainted with >> correspondence with Welles, Sumner
    1938-04-14 related >> acquainted with >> correspondence with Tydings, Millard
    1938-06-05 related >> acquainted with >> had contacts with >> had a meeting with Stalin, Josif Vissarionovič
    related >> related to >> parent of Grosjean, Emlen
    1937 related >> acquainted with >> had contacts with >> had a meeting with Beneš, Edvard


    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    1876 related >> born in Watertown, Wis.
    1936 1938 related >> stayed in >> stayed in for work Moscow
    1937-02-26 related >> visited Ukraine
    1943-05 related >> stayed in >> stayed in for work Moscow
    1945-05 related >> stayed in >> stayed in for work Potsdam
    1937-09 related >> visited Budapest


    Start End Other relation type Related Work
    1941 related >> wrote >> author of Mission to Moscow


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