persons Steindachner, Franz

General Info | TEI

Name Steindachner, Franz
Alternative Names
ID 3083
Gender male
Lifespan 1834-11-11 - 1919-12-10
Professions biologist (Q864503), ichthyologist (Q4205432), natural scientist
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    References Böhme, Katrin. “Briefe Franz Steindachners von der Brasilien-Expedition 1903.” Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien. Serie B für Botanik und Zoologie 98 (1996): 545-68. Kähsbauer, Paul. “Intendant Dr. Franz Steindachner, sein Leben und Werk.” Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien 63 (1959): 3-30. Steindachner, Franz. Briefnachlass. Archive of the Natural History Museum, Vienna. Steindachner, Franz. Reisebriefe Franz Steindachners aus Amerika. Ed. Hans Rebel. Vienna: privately printed, 1938. Steindachner, Franz. Die Schlangen und Eidechsen der Galapagos-Inseln. Mit 7 Tafeln. Vienna: Zoologisch- Botanische Gesellschaft, 1876.



    Start End Other relation type Related Event
    related >> participated in Pola Red Sea expeditions
    related >> participated in Hassler Expedition
    1909 related >> participated in >> was guest at Centenary Celebrations of Charles Darwin’s birthday


    Start End Other relation type Related Institution
    1898 1919 related >> worked for/at >> was director of Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
    1870 1898 related >> worked for/at >> was curator at Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
    related >> attended Schottengymnasium in Wien
    related >> studied at University of Vienna
    1860 related >> worked for/at Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
    1869 related >> was member of Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
    related >> worked for/at Museum of Comparative Zoology


    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    1869 collaborated with Agassiz, Louis
    sibling of Steindachner, Anna
    correspondence with Steindachner, Anna
    had contacts with Cary Agassiz, Elizabeth
    student of Sueß, Eduard
    employer of Pietschmann, Viktor
    sibling of Steindachner, Betti
    collaborated with Hagen, Hermann
    collaborated with Maack, Georg Augustus
    collaborated with de Pourtalès, Louis François


    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    1870 related >> lived at Zoological Hall, Harvard University
    related >> visited San Francisco, CA
    related >> visited Galápagos Islands
    related >> visited >> went on a collecting trip to Barbados
    related >> visited Patagonia
    related >> visited Magdalena Island
    related >> visited Provincia de Tierra del Fuego
    related >> visited Peru
    1873-07 related >> visited >> went on a collecting trip to United States of America
    1873 related >> visited New York, NY


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