persons Steindachner, Franz

General Info | TEI

Name Steindachner, Franz
Alternative Names
ID 3083
Gender male
Lifespan 1834-11-11 - 1919-12-10
Professions biologist (Q864503), ichthyologist (Q4205432), natural scientist
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    References Böhme, Katrin. “Briefe Franz Steindachners von der Brasilien-Expedition 1903.” Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien. Serie B für Botanik und Zoologie 98 (1996): 545-68. Kähsbauer, Paul. “Intendant Dr. Franz Steindachner, sein Leben und Werk.” Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien 63 (1959): 3-30. Steindachner, Franz. Briefnachlass. Archive of the Natural History Museum, Vienna. Steindachner, Franz. Reisebriefe Franz Steindachners aus Amerika. Ed. Hans Rebel. Vienna: privately printed, 1938. Steindachner, Franz. Die Schlangen und Eidechsen der Galapagos-Inseln. Mit 7 Tafeln. Vienna: Zoologisch- Botanische Gesellschaft, 1876.



    Start End Other relation type Related Event
    related >> participated in Pola Red Sea expeditions
    related >> participated in Hassler Expedition
    1909 related >> participated in >> was guest at Centenary Celebrations of Charles Darwin’s birthday



    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    related >> acquainted with Lovering, Joseph
    related >> was influenced by Darwin, Charles
    related >> collaborated with Konopicky, Eduard


    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    related >> visited >> went on a collecting trip to Dalmatia (Roman province)
    related >> visited >> went on a collecting trip to Switzerland
    related >> visited >> went on a collecting trip to France
    related >> visited >> went on a collecting trip to Spain
    related >> visited >> went on a collecting trip to Portugal
    related >> visited >> went on a collecting trip to Canary Islands
    1868 related >> visited >> went on a collecting trip to Senegambia
    1870-04 1874-01 related >> stayed in >> stayed in for scientific work United States of America
    1903 related >> visited >> went on a collecting trip to Brazil
    1870-05-11 related >> stayed in Boston, MA


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