persons Osler, William

General Info | TEI

Name Osler, William
Alternative Names
ID 3078
Gender male
Lifespan 1849-07-12 - 1919-12-29
Professions professor of medicine
  • manually created entity
  • Narratives of Encounters in the North Atlantic Triangle
  • Uri(s)
    References Lackner, Franz X. „Exploring Vienna between the two World Wards – Doctors of the American Medical Association and their families.“ Narratives of Encounter. Vienna: Verlag der ÖAW, 2015, 107-125.



    Start End Other relation type Related Event
    related >> participated in >> attended Carl von Rokitansky's 70th birthday ceremony
    1908 related >> participated in >> attended Congress für Innere Medizin, Vienna


    Start End Other relation type Related Institution
    related >> worked for/at >> taught at University of Oxford
    1889 established >> co-founder of Johns Hopkins Hospital
    1874 related >> studied at Medical University of Vienna
    1868 related >> studied at Toronto School of Medicine
    1872 related >> studied at >> graduated from McGill University
    1884 related >> was chair at University of Pennsylvania
    established >> co-founder of Association of American Physicians
    1905 related >> held Regius Chair of Medicine at Oxford


    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    1888 1889 had a meeting with Holmes, Sr., Oliver Wendell
    influenced Holmes, Sr., Oliver Wendell
    1877 had a meeting with Holmes, Sr., Oliver Wendell
    1883 had a meeting with Holmes, Sr., Oliver Wendell
    teacher of Abbott, Maude Elizabeth
    1874 student of Wiederhoffer, Hermann
    1874 student of Hebra, Ferdinand von
    1874 student of Bamberger, Heinrich von
    1874 student of Politzer, Adam
    student of Virchow, Rudolf


    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    1874-01 related >> stayed in >> stayed in for medical education Berlin
    1874-01 1874-04 related >> stayed in >> stayed in for medical education Vienna
    1908 related >> visited Vienna
    1849 related >> born in Ontario
    1884 related >> visited Berlin
    related >> stayed in London


    Start End Other relation type Related Work
    1892 related >> wrote >> author of Principles and Practice of Medicine
    1908 related >> wrote >> author of Vienna after Thirty-Four Years


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