persons Osler, William

General Info | TEI

Name Osler, William
Alternative Names
ID 3078
Gender male
Lifespan 1849-07-12 - 1919-12-29
Professions professor of medicine
  • manually created entity
  • Narratives of Encounters in the North Atlantic Triangle
  • Uri(s)
    References Lackner, Franz X. „Exploring Vienna between the two World Wards – Doctors of the American Medical Association and their families.“ Narratives of Encounter. Vienna: Verlag der ÖAW, 2015, 107-125.



    Start End Other relation type Related Event
    related >> participated in >> attended Carl von Rokitansky's 70th birthday ceremony
    1908 related >> participated in >> attended Congress für Innere Medizin, Vienna


    Start End Other relation type Related Institution
    related >> worked for/at >> taught at University of Oxford
    1889 established >> co-founder of Johns Hopkins Hospital
    1874 related >> studied at Medical University of Vienna
    1868 related >> studied at Toronto School of Medicine
    1872 related >> studied at >> graduated from McGill University
    1884 related >> was chair at University of Pennsylvania
    established >> co-founder of Association of American Physicians
    1905 related >> held Regius Chair of Medicine at Oxford


    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    related >> influenced Holmes, Sr., Oliver Wendell
    1877 related >> acquainted with >> had contacts with >> had a meeting with Holmes, Sr., Oliver Wendell
    1883 related >> acquainted with >> had contacts with >> had a meeting with Holmes, Sr., Oliver Wendell
    1888 1889 related >> acquainted with >> had contacts with >> had a meeting with Holmes, Sr., Oliver Wendell
    related >> teacher of Abbott, Maude Elizabeth
    1874 related >> student of Wiederhoffer, Hermann
    1874 related >> student of Hebra, Ferdinand von
    1874 related >> student of Bamberger, Heinrich von
    1874 related >> student of Politzer, Adam
    related >> student of Virchow, Rudolf


    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    1874-01 1874-04 stayed in for medical education Vienna
    1908 visited Vienna
    stayed in London
    1874-01 stayed in for medical education Berlin
    1884 visited Berlin
    1849 born in Ontario


    Start End Other relation type Related Work
    1892 related >> wrote >> author of Principles and Practice of Medicine
    1908 related >> wrote >> author of Vienna after Thirty-Four Years


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