persons Eisler, Hanns

General Info | TEI

Name Eisler, Hanns
Alternative Names
ID 2707
Gender male
Lifespan 1898-07-06 - 1962-09-06
Professions Komponist
  • Default import collection
  • manually created entity
  • Österreicher in Hollywood
  • webclient
  • Uri(s)
    Notes He contributed to the Rockefeller Foundation's experimential studies about the function of music in film (1940-1942) by composing for Fords "The Grapes of Wrath". A result of these studies was the publication "Composing for the Film". Eislers most well known and successful film scores include those composed for Fritz Lang’s "Hangmen Also Die" (1943) and Clifford Odet’s "None But the Lonely Heart". His house in Malibu was a meeting point for many artists among them Thomas Mann and Charlie Chaplin. Eisler was a political Marxist artist but he never engaged in any political activities while being in the U.S. Nevertheless he was accused of "un-American activities" by the HUAC (House Commitee of Un-American activities) in 1947 and was expelled from the country. Many prominent personalities tried to help Eisler stay in the U.S. but to no avail. On 28 February 1948 there was a farewell concert in his honor - among the organisers were Leonard Bernstein and Aaron Copland. One month later, Eisler left the U.S. and went back to Vienna.
    References See pg. 68-70 in Ulrich, Rudolf, "Österreicher in Hollywood", Edition S, 1993.




    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    1919 1923 related >> student of Schönberg, Arnold
    1943 1944 related >> collaborated with Adorno, Theodor W.
    related >> friendship with >> close friendship with Brecht, Bertolt
    related >> friendship with >> close friendship with Schönberg, Arnold
    related >> acquainted with Chaplin, Charlie
    related >> acquainted with Mann, Thomas


    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    1953 1954 related >> stayed in >> stayed in for work Vienna
    1948-03-26 1948-03-26 related >> fled to Prague


    Start End Other relation type Related Work
    related >> composer of Komposition für den Film
    related >> composer of Hollywood Liederbuch
    related >> contributed to >> composed the music for Auferstanden aus Ruinen
    related >> composer of Deutsche Sinfonie


    Label Start End Label type ISO Code
    Eisler, Hanns Legacy name (merge) deu


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