persons Farkas, Karl

General Info | TEI

Name Farkas, Karl
Alternative Names
ID 1337
Gender male
Lifespan 1893-10-28 - 1971-05-16
Professions comedian (Q245068), writer, librettist, director, screenwriter, actor
  • Default import collection
  • Return From Exile
  • webclient
  • Lackner, Herbert. Rückkehr in die fremde Heimat Die vertriebenen Dichter und Denker und die ernüchternde Nachkriegs-Wirklichkeit. Wien: Ueberreuter Verlag, 2021.
  • Uri(s)
    Notes Karl Farkas had to eventually flee to the US without his wife and son as his son had a disability which resulted in him not being allowed to enter the US. His sisters Elisabeth and Katharina as well as his nephew Felix died during the Nazi regime. After his return to Austria he did not talk about his Jewish identity and had to work with Nazi collaborators, such as Marika Rökk, Paula Wessely and Willy Forst out of financial necessity. While he was speaking German with a strong Jiddish accent until 1938, by 1945 this had completely disappeared.
    References Schreckenberger, Helga. "Gelungene Heimkehr? Der Fall Karl Farkas." in: Return from Exile, 2017, 119-133. Lackner, Herbert. Rückkehr in die fremde Heimat Die vertriebenen Dichter und Denker und die ernüchternde Nachkriegs-Wirklichkeit. Berlin: Ueberreuter Verlag, 2021. Markus, Georg, ed. Das grosse Karl Farkas Buch: Sein Leben, seine besten Texte, Conférencen und Doppelconférencen. Wien: Amalthea Verlag, 1993.



    Start End Other relation type Related Institution
    related >> studied at Akademie für Musik und Darstellende Kunst (Vienna)
    1927 1938 related >> worked for/at >> was art director at Kabarett Simpl
    1957 related >> worked for/at Österreichischer Rundfunk
    1946-07-22 related >> visited >> stayed at Hotel Krantz, Vienna
    1950 1971 related >> worked for/at >> was art director at Kabarett Simpl
    1939 1939 related >> worked for/at Nelson-Revue
    related >> wrote for Der Aufbau
    1930 related >> worked for/at Radio-Verkehrs-AG (RAVAG)


    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    related >> collaborated with Grünbaum, Fritz
    1924 related >> in a relationship with >> married to Farkas, Anna
    related >> collaborated with Wiener, Hugo
    related >> acquainted with >> correspondence with Torberg, Friedrich
    related >> acquainted with Matejka, Viktor
    1938 related >> friendship with >> close friendship with Stolz, Robert
    1938 related >> acquainted with Benatzky, Ralph
    1938 related >> acquainted with Kálmán, Emmerich
    1938 related >> acquainted with Lehár, Franz
    related >> collaborated with Stolz, Robert


    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    born in Grünentorgasse 12, 1090 Vienna
    died in Vienna
    1938-03-17 emigrated to Brno
    1938 emigrated to Paris
    1941-01 emigrated via the Pyrenees and Lisbon to United States of America
    1946-07-22 returned to Vienna
    1939 was interned in a camp for enemy aliens in France
    1946 lived at Neustiftgasse 67, 1070 Vienna


    Start End Other relation type Related Work
    related >> wrote >> author of Bilanz des Monats
    related >> wrote >> author of Metro Grünbaum-Farkas höchste Wochenschau
    related >> wrote >> author of Farkas entdeckt Amerika
    1946 related >> wrote >> author of Abschied von New York
    related >> translator of "The Merry Widow"
    related >> wrote >> wrote the text for Schicksal mit Musik
    related >> appears/appeared in Schicksal mit Musik
    related >> wrote >> author of Dienst am Kunden
    related >> appears/appeared in Funk-Kabarett
    1924 related >> wrote >> author of Alles per Radio


    Label Start End Label type ISO Code
    Farkas, Karl Legacy name (merge) deu


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