persons Abish, Walter

General Info | TEI

Name Abish, Walter
Alternative Names
ID 1289
Gender male
Lifespan 1931-12-24 - 2022-05-28
Professions writer (Q36180), translator (Q333634), university teacher (Q1622272), Schriftsteller
  • Default import collection
  • Return From Exile
  • Uri(s)
    References Leucht, Robert. „Literarische Allianzen – unmögliche Rückkehr. Walter Abishs Wiederbegegnung mit Nachkriegswien im Kontext.“ Return from Exile. Vienna: Verlag der ÖAW, 2017, 155–200.



    Start End Other relation type Related Event
    1982 related >> contributed artistically to Steirischer Herbst
    1983 related >> contributed artistically to Steirischer Herbst


    Start End Other relation type Related Institution
    1960 related American citizenship
    related >> worked for/at >> taught at State University of New York (Buffalo, NY)
    related >> worked for/at >> taught at Wheaton College (Norton, MA)
    related >> worked for/at >> taught at Columbia University
    related >> worked for/at >> taught at Brown University
    related >> worked for/at >> taught at Yale University
    related >> worked for/at >> taught at Cooper Union Art School (New York, NY)


    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    1953 related >> in a relationship with >> married to Abish, Cecile
    related >> acquainted with Rosenheim, Felix


    Start End Other relation type Related Work
    1985 author of The Fall Of Summer
    2004 author of Double Vision: A Self-Portrait
    1974 author of Alphabetical Africa
    1975 author of Minds Meet
    1977 author of In The Future Perfect
    1980 author of How German Is It. Wie Deutsch Ist Es
    1993 author of Eclipse Fever
    1998 wrote a review of Ich will Zeugnis ablegen bis zum letzten (1933–1945)
    1995 wrote a review of La Disparition


    Label Start End Label type ISO Code
    Abish, Walter Legacy name (merge) deu


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