institutions Intelligentsia Relief

General Info | TEI

Titel Intelligentsia Relief
ID 5368
Type philanthropic organization
Date 1920 - 1924
  • Cultural Politics, Transfer & Propaganda
  • Uri(s)
    Notes This program was organised and financed by the ARA in co-operation with other humanitarian organisations (such as the Commonwealth Fund and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee). The focus was on providing food and (American) clothing to university professors, students and other members of the middle class. In 1921, 5,800 units (4,400 for men and 1,400 for women), consisting of a pair of boots, two pairs of socks/stockings, two sets of underwear and cloth and lining for a suit, dress or coat. The predecessor to this modal was the clothing program within child relief that had given clothes to more than 300,000 Austrian children between 1920-1921. Circa half of the almost 1,9 million dollars worth of goods that came from the US to Europe were transferred to Austria.


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