institutions Food Draft Program

General Info | TEI

Titel Food Draft Program
ID 5362
Type philanthropic organization
Date 1920-05 - 1921-07
  • Cultural Politics, Transfer & Propaganda
  • Uri(s)
    Notes This program sold more than 160,000 drafts ("Dollarpakete") for Austria (400,000 overall for Central Europe). The American Bankers Association assisted US banks in this endeavour. All accrued profits were transferred to the child-feeding program (Kinderhilfsaktion). This was to become the model for the CARE packages after 1945 (founded by Elmer Burland and Arthur C. Ringland, both formerly working for the ARA).
    References For more information see Adlgasser, Franz. American Individualism Abroad: Herbert Hoover, die American Relief Administration und Österreich, 1919-1923. Vienna: VWGÖ, 1993.


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