institutions Universität Leipzig

General Info | TEI

Titel Universität Leipzig
  • alternative name: University (Leipzig)
  • alternative name: Universitas Literarum (Leipzig)
  • alternative name: University of Leipzig
  • alternative name: Academia Lipsiensis (Universität Leipzig)
  • alternative name: Alma Mater (Leipzig)
  • alternative name: Leipzig University
  • alternative name: Universitas Lipsiensis
  • alternative name: Universitas Lipsica
  • alternative name: Alma Mater Lipsiensis
  • alternative name: Universitas Literarum Lipsica
  • alternative name: Königliche Universität zu Leipzig
  • ID 3235
    Type None
    Date 1409 - 1952
  • Default import collection
  • Uri(s)




    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    1876 1878 related >> was place of study of Welch, William Henry
    related >> was place of study of Smith, Charles Forster
    related >> was place of study of Baskerville, William Malone
    1885 related >> was place of study of >> alma mater of Kirkland, James Hampton
    related >> was place of study of Hall, Granville Stanley
    related >> employer of >> employed as teacher Wundt, Wilhelm
    1947 related >> granted the venia legendi for his second book Lindheim, Bogislav
    1909 1910 related >> was place of study of Williams, William Carlos
    1875 related >> was place of study of Royce, Josiah
    related >> employer of >> was directed by Gadamer, Hans-Georg


    Label Start End Label type ISO Code
    University (Leipzig) alternative name deu
    Universitas Literarum (Leipzig) alternative name deu
    University of Leipzig alternative name deu
    Academia Lipsiensis (Universität Leipzig) alternative name deu
    Alma Mater (Leipzig) alternative name deu
    Leipzig University alternative name deu
    Universitas Lipsiensis alternative name deu
    Universitas Lipsica alternative name deu
    Alma Mater Lipsiensis alternative name deu
    Universitas Literarum Lipsica alternative name deu


    No text provided for this