institutions Universität Leipzig

General Info | TEI

Titel Universität Leipzig
  • alternative name: University (Leipzig)
  • alternative name: Universitas Literarum (Leipzig)
  • alternative name: University of Leipzig
  • alternative name: Academia Lipsiensis (Universität Leipzig)
  • alternative name: Alma Mater (Leipzig)
  • alternative name: Leipzig University
  • alternative name: Universitas Lipsiensis
  • alternative name: Universitas Lipsica
  • alternative name: Alma Mater Lipsiensis
  • alternative name: Universitas Literarum Lipsica
  • alternative name: Königliche Universität zu Leipzig
  • ID 3235
    Type None
    Date 1409 - 1952
  • Default import collection
  • Uri(s)



    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    related >> location >> located in/at Leipzig


    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    1876 1878 related >> was place of study of Welch, William Henry
    related >> was place of study of Smith, Charles Forster
    related >> was place of study of Baskerville, William Malone
    1885 related >> was place of study of >> alma mater of Kirkland, James Hampton
    related >> was place of study of Hall, Granville Stanley
    related >> employer of >> employed as teacher Wundt, Wilhelm
    1947 related >> granted the venia legendi for his second book Lindheim, Bogislav
    1909 1910 related >> was place of study of Williams, William Carlos
    1875 related >> was place of study of Royce, Josiah
    related >> employer of >> was directed by Gadamer, Hans-Georg


    Label Start End Label type ISO Code
    Königliche Universität zu Leipzig alternative name deu


    No text provided for this