institutions Salzburg Seminar in American Studies

General Info | TEI

Titel Salzburg Seminar in American Studies
ID 3011
Type None
Date 1947
  • manually created entity
  • Return From Exile
  • Uri(s)
    Notes This international discussion platform was soon (inofficially) called the "Marshall Plan of the Mind". Heller had to step back in 1948 as the US authorities deemed his seminar too critical of America.
    References Cf. Straub, Importierte Ideologie? in Return from Exile, esp. 141-143.



    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    related >> location >> located in/at Schloss Leopoldskron, Salzburg


    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    1952 1952 related >> was attended by Cavell, Stanley
    1947 1947 was/were established by >> founded by Heller, Clemens
    1947 1948 related >> employer of >> was directed by Heller, Clemens
    1947 1947 related >> was attended by Mead, Margaret
    1947 1947 related >> was attended by Matthiessen, Francis Otto


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