events the controversy between Mary McCarthy and Lillian Hellman

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Titel the controversy between Mary McCarthy and Lillian Hellman
ID 5281
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    Notes McCarthy claimed that Muriel Gardiner was the character called "Julia" in Hellman's memoir "Pentimento" (1973), and in the movie "Julia" (1977) based on a chapter of that book. Hellman, who never met Gardiner, claimed that her "Julia" was somebody else. Gardiner wrote that, she had often heard about her from a friend, Wolf Schwabacher, who was Hellman's lawyer. In Gardiner's account, Schwabacher had visited her in Vienna and, after Muriel Gardiner and Joseph Buttinger moved into their house at Brookdale Farm in Pennington, New Jersey, in 1940, the house was divided in two, with the Gardiner-Buttingers living in one half and the Schwabachers in the other for more than ten years. Most people believed that Hellmann based her story on Gardiner's life. Gardiner's editor cited the unlikelihood that there were two millionaire American women who were medical students and anti-Nazi activists in Vienna in the late 1930s.



    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    1983 related >> had as participant >> entangled in [REVERSE] Gardiner, Muriel


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