events a meeting between Dorothy Thompson, Carl and Alice Zuckmayer and Eugenia Schwarzwald in Berlin

General Info

Titel a meeting between Dorothy Thompson, Carl and Alice Zuckmayer and Eugenia Schwarzwald in Berlin
ID 5242
Type None
Date 1925
  • manually created entity
  • Uri(s)
    Notes Dorothy Thompson contributed a very personal introduction to a translation of Carl Zuckmayer’s autobiographical account, "Second Wind", in 1940. In the introduction Thompson alludes to her having met Zuckmayer through a Viennese friend staying at that time in Berlin, in all probability Eugenia Schwarzwald, for this friend refers to Zuckmayer’s wife Alice as a ‘young protégé’ of hers.



    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    1925 related >> had as participant Thompson, Dorothy
    1925 related >> had as participant Zuckmayer, Carl
    1925 related >> had as participant Schwarzwald, Eugenie
    1925 related >> had as participant Zuckmayer, Alice


    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    related >> had as location Berlin


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