events the Brecht-boycott

General Info

Titel the Brecht-boycott
ID 5119
Type None
Date 1952 - 1963
  • manually created entity
  • Uri(s)
    Notes The so-called "Brecht-boycott" was an anti-Communist campaign in Austria against the author Bertold Brecht. As a result, from 1952 to 1963 no established theater in Vienna staged a play by Brecht. The main initiators of the Brecht-boycott were the director of the Burgtheater, Ernst Haeusserman, and the intellectuals Hans Weigel and Friedrich Torberg. The main literary source of the Brecht-boycott was the journal FORVM.



    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    1952 1963 had as participant Weigel, Hans
    1952 1963 was organized by Haeusserman, Ernst
    1952 1963 had as participant Torberg, Friedrich


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