events Hassler Expedition

General Info

Titel Hassler Expedition
ID 3957
Type expedition
Date 1871-11-04 - 1872-08
  • manually created entity
  • Uri(s)
    References Winston, Judith E., Leandro M. Vieira, and Robert Woollacott. “Scientific Results of the Hassler Expedition. Bryozoa. No. 1. Barbados.” Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 159.5 (2009): 239-300. Winston, Judith E., Leandro M. Vieira, and Robert Woollacott. “Scientific Results of the Hassler Expedition. Bryozoa. No. 2. Brazil.” Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 161.5 (1 Dec. 2014): 139-239.



    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    related >> had as participant Agassiz, Louis
    related >> had as participant Cary Agassiz, Elizabeth
    related >> had as participant Hill, Thomas
    related >> had as participant Steindachner, Franz
    related >> had as participant Johnson, Philip C.
    related >> had as participant de Pourtalès, Louis François
    related >> had as participant Johnson, Elvira Lindsay
    related >> had as participant White, William
    related >> had as participant Blake, James Henry


    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    1871-12 had as a stop Boston, MA
    1872-08 had as a stop San Francisco, CA
    had as a stop Galápagos Islands
    had as a stop Barbados
    had as a stop Virgin Islands
    had as a stop Rio de Janeiro
    had as a stop Patagonia
    had as a stop Magdalena Island
    had as a stop Provincia de Tierra del Fuego
    had as a stop Peru


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